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Shelter Cove Fly-out

Shelter Cove (0Q5) 9126 Shelter Cove Rd, Whitehorn, CA, United States

Join a caravan of chapter pilots flying to Shelter Cove for food & fun! Departing APC around 11 am weather permitting

Young Eagles

Napa County Airport (KAPC) 2000 Airport Rd, Napa, CA

Young Eagles

Napa County Airport (KAPC) 2000 Airport Rd, Napa, CA

Backup day the following week (November 18th) in case of cancellation for weather

Columbia airport fly-out

Columbia airport (O22) 10723 Airport Road, Columbia, CA, United States

Join a caravan of chapter pilots flying to Columbia (O22) for food & fun! Gold rush area sights & sounds are just a short hike into town at Columbia State Historic Park. Meet up at KAPC south ramp around 10am and depart weather permitting