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2008 Zenith CH-650

Jay Meinen

947 Luscombe 8E

Greg Murray with his dog Sounder

1946 Aeronca 11AC Chief

Duane Fey

2014 Zenith STOL CH701

Darren Stevenson built the 2014 Zenith STOL CH701

1946 Clipped Wing J-3 Piper Cub

Jim Lachendro

2007 Searey

Keith Hazmalhalch

1973 Grumman AA-5 Traveler

Tom Lipsey

WWII fighter pilot

This is Tom Lipsey’s grandfather John Lipsey. John is 92, was a
WWII fighter pilot and a long time Napa Airport tenant

1960 Cessna 210

Les Lucas —1960 is the first year the 210 was produced
and Les restored this beauty in 2011.

1967 Cessna

Stanley’s been a pilot since 1989.

John Kane with his 1972 Cessna 172.
Gary Koverman with his 2007 Sport Cub.
Patrick Anderson with his Cessna 210
Bill Taylor with his 1976 Bellanca Citabria 7ECA
Steve Kemnitzer with his 2014 Zenith STOL CH750
Bill Wheadon with his 1947 Cessna 140
Marcus and Mark Schakford with their 1942 Luscombe 8D
Sandy and Phil Carlson and their ’64 S35 Bonanza
Brian Harkins with his 1947 Piper PA-12 “Super Cruiser”
Kristen Gregory with her 1981 Cessna 152. This one has the 125 HP Sparrow Hawk conversion
Simon Holden
Simon Holden with his 1994 A36 Turbo Bonanza
Bart O’Brien with his 2010 Monarch Butterfly