Dinner Lasagna , salad and Garlic bread, at 7:00
Meeting called to order at 7:25 pm
There were 12 memberspresent
Officers Present
President, Greg Murray
Vice President, Duane Fey
Treasurer, Greg Murray
Secretary, Oren Redsun
Treasurer’s Report: 5030.95 current balance +200 in cash
Scholarship: Macy gave us a report on her journey, 24 hours just about to solo approximately 60
landings studying for her Written and has passed her solo exam.
Membership: $20 per year $40 for the family
Young Eagles: Oren Duane and Greg will formalize plans and plan for 10 kids per hour. Mike Smith has
committed to a 4 seat plane, plan will be 20 minute flights.
Tax exemption status is good for the months of April-October. Greg Murray is one of 2 signers for your
forms. Registration through the county $35
General Discussion: Atlantic Aviation has purchased Lynx : stop by and give them your information if you
use their services. Their system wasn’t compatible with Lynz’s.
George Bachich: Has taken delivery of a new American legend cub out performs his supercub on less
horse power.
Fly-outs: none planned as of of now
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50